AWS NACL'S And Security Groups


In Amazon Web Services (AWS), Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) serves as the backbone for building scalable and secure cloud infrastructures. Two key components that play a pivotal role in securing VPC resources are Security Groups (SG) and Network Access Control Lists (NACL). In this article, we will explore the intricacies of AWS Security Groups and NACLs, understanding their functionalities, and how they contribute to enhancing the security posture of your AWS environment.

AWS Security Groups: The First Line of Defense


AWS Security Groups act as virtual firewalls at the instance level, controlling inbound and outbound traffic. Each EC2 instance in a VPC can be associated with one or more security groups, specifying the rules that govern traffic to and from instances.

Real-world Example

Consider a scenario where you have a multi-tier application deployed in your VPC. You can create distinct security groups for each tier, such as Web, App, and Database.

  • Web Security Group:

    • Inbound Rule: Allow traffic on port 80 (HTTP) from the internet.

    • Outbound Rule: Allow traffic to App Security Group.

  • App Security Group:

    • Inbound Rule: Allow traffic from Web Security Group on port 80.

    • Outbound Rule: Allow traffic to Database Security Group.

  • Database Security Group:

    • Inbound Rule: Allow traffic from App Security Group.

    • Outbound Rule: Allow necessary database-related traffic.

This setup ensures a controlled flow of traffic between application tiers, minimizing the attack surface.

Network Access Control Lists: Fine-Grained Control


Network ACLs operate at the subnet level and provide an additional layer of security, controlling traffic in and out of subnets. Unlike security groups, NACLs are stateless and evaluate rules based on numerical order.

Real-world Example

Imagine a VPC with public and private subnets. The public subnet hosts web servers, while the private subnet hosts application servers.

  • Public Subnet NACL:

    • Inbound Rule: Allow inbound HTTP (port 80) and SSH (port 22) traffic.

    • Outbound Rule: Allow all outbound traffic.

  • Private Subnet NACL:

    • Inbound Rule: Allow inbound traffic from the public subnet.

    • Outbound Rule: Allow necessary outbound traffic to the internet.

This setup ensures that only the necessary traffic is allowed to reach the instances in each subnet, adhering to the principle of least privilege.

Best Practices for Security Groups and NACLs

  1. Least Privilege Principle:

    • Configure rules to allow only necessary traffic. Avoid overly permissive rules.
  2. Regular Auditing:

    • Periodically review and audit security group and NACL rules to ensure they align with current requirements.
  3. Dynamic Updates:

    • Leverage AWS features like Security Group tagging and CloudWatch Events for dynamic updates to security rules based on changing conditions.
  4. Logging and Monitoring:

    • Enable VPC Flow Logs to capture information about the IP traffic going to and from network interfaces in your VPC.

AWS Security Groups and Network ACLs are crucial components for securing your VPC resources. By understanding their roles and implementing best practices, you can establish a robust security foundation for your AWS environment. Whether you are managing a simple web application or a complex multi-tier architecture, the thoughtful use of security groups and NACLs contributes significantly to the overall security posture of your AWS infrastructure.

how nacl works = "top to bottom rules

Network Access Control Lists (NACLs) in AWS operate on a "top to bottom" rule evaluation basis. This means that rules are processed in numerical order, starting from the lowest rule number to the highest. When a packet enters a subnet, AWS evaluates it against the rules in the associated NACL, and the first rule that matches the criteria is applied.

How NACLs Work - Top to Bottom Rule Evaluation:

  1. Order Matters:

    • Rules are evaluated based on their rule number. Lower-numbered rules are processed first.
  2. Rule Evaluation:

    • AWS evaluates each inbound or outbound packet against the rules sequentially.

    • The first rule that matches the criteria (e.g., source/destination IP, protocol, port range) is applied.

  3. Implicit Deny:

    • If no rule matches the packet, there is an implicit "deny all" rule at the end, blocking the traffic.

Interaction Between NACLs and Security Groups:

When it comes to the interaction between NACLs and Security Groups, it's important to understand how AWS handles conflicting rules. In case a rule is denied in the NACL and allowed in the associated Security Group (SG), AWS follows the principle of least privilege.


Suppose there is an EC2 instance in a subnet with the following configuration:

  • NACL Inbound Rules:

    1. Allow inbound traffic on port 80 from IP range X.X.X.X/24.

    2. Deny all inbound traffic.

  • Security Group Inbound Rule:

    1. Allow inbound traffic on port 80 from anywhere.

What Happens:

  1. A packet arrives at the NACL:

    • It matches the first rule (allow inbound on port 80 from IP range X.X.X.X/24).

    • The packet is allowed.

  2. The packet proceeds to the associated Security Group:

    • The SG rule also allows inbound traffic on port 80 from anywhere.

    • Since the SG rule is more permissive, the packet is allowed by the SG.